Atlas Aircraft Center, Inc., (AAC) is an FAA approved repair station #CRS 5APR577Y. With our factory support, training, and avionics experience ranging from corporate jets and turbo-props to high performance piston aircraft, our staff provides quick and reliable repairs and modifications to your aircraft.
We are FAA certified to install and repair a full spectrum of avionics systems. Due to our dedication to technician training we have earned the AEA’s Avionics Training Excellence Awards for seven years in a row.
Our AAC Avionics Department also acts as the in-house service center for our sister company, PlaneSense, Inc., and maintains all electronics on board the PlaneSense® program aircraft. In keeping with our system of developing internal capabilities when it is critical to the success of our company’s vision, the AAC Avionics Department is certified to work on every electronic device on board the PlaneSense fleet. We also excel in modifications and installations of new equipment. With a very deep knowledge and troubleshooting capability, our department interfaces with our maintenance efforts and ensures that the largest possible percentage of our fleet is ready to fly every day. Our very extensive experience with the PC-12 has resulted in avionics improvements to the aircraft launched by this group.
We also offer Honeywell HAPP extended warranty plans, and are a member of the Aircraft Electronics Association.
Repairs: Troubleshooting and repairs.
Modifications: ADS-B, RVSM, TWAS, TCAS/TAS/TIS, GPS, XM, EFIS, EVS, cabin entertainment, and weather avoidance systems.
Installation: Modern avionics systems and cabin entertainment systems.
Certifications: Altimeter / Static / Transponder bi-annual certifications including RVSM.
Honeywell | Bendix/King | Garmin | Aspen | Avidyne | Chelton L-3 (Goodrich) | Max-Viz | Aircell | Sky-Connect | Sandel, Flight Display Systems | Avionics Innovations | Bose
Sunday – Saturday: 7:00 AM to Midnight
Main: 603.501.7700, Option 2
Floor: 603.501.7700, Option 4
Fax: 603.501.7721
Jack Shields
Cell: 207.206.4694